Mictomec: Extensive quantification of microstructures features and statistical relations with mechanical behavior – from statistical relations to physical understanding

Research summary:
This research aims at the development of physical relations between the intricate 3D features of multi-phase metallic microstructures of Advanced High-Strength Steels (AHSS) and the mechanical properties of the material. The quantitative characterisation of the microstructure will be far more involved than is now in use for estimations of the mechanical properties, which is a necessity because of the complexity of AHSS microstructures. Moreover, the prediction of mechanical properties on the basis of microstructural features will be extended beyond the usual limitation of the yield stress to properties like toughness, bending strength and hole expansion. A statistical approach will be used to find relations between microstructural and mechanical quantities. In addition, microstructural modelling on the basis of Voronoi Diagrams will be used to simulate the behaviour of multi-phase microstructures with given characteristics. This microstructural modelling will enable the physical interpretation of the observed microstructural mechanical relations. Eventually, the research will yield relations between microstructure and mechanical properties that can be applied to multi-phase microstructures. They will involve the relevant aspects of the microstructure and represent the physical behaviour during mechanical loading and are accurate in property prediction. This will strengthen the physical insight in the underlying processes and will form a valuable tool for process control for the industrial partners.
Research team:
Prof.dr.ir. Geurt Jongbloed
Prof.dr.ir. Jilt Sietsma
Wei Li (Ph.D Candidate)
Martina Vittorietti (Ph.D Candidate)