eXtending Reality: Designing Future Cultural Heritage Experiences

29 september 2022 13:00 t/m 18:30 | Zet in mijn agenda

On Thursday 29 September 2022, the eXtending Reality: Designing Future Cultural Heritage Experiences will bring together minds from different backgrounds related to cultural heritage, such as researchers and practitioners from the domains of computer science/graphics, design, psychophysics, (art) history, archaeology, and museum studies.

This event has reached capacity and is no longer accepting participants.

The afternoon will be organised around several parallel interactive, creative sessions, where the participants of the workshop will collaborate in smaller groups. The aim of these sessions is to transcend disciplinary boundaries, in future-casting the role of extended reality (XR) technologies, in the context of galleries, museums, archives, and libraries, and their collections. Together we will develop ideas, and discuss, how these technologies might be or should be developed further, to change the way we interact with, learn about, and let cultural heritage shape our current day and future globalised discourse.

The sessions will be based around several cases, which will provide the necessary ‘grounding’ and context, for the future-casting activities. Four cases have already been confirmed:

Confirmed cases

  • eXtending Realities of the Dutch National Canon – by Allard Pierson Museum
  • Reconstructing a (virtual) palace in a museum context – by design agency NorthernLight
  • AR in the Serious game MedievalMe – by Sanne Frequin (Utrecht University)
  • Multi-sensory AR experiences of children’s pop-up books – by Willemijn Elkhuizen (TU Delft, in collaboration with the Royal Library)
  • Tactile experiences of modernist paintings using 3D printing – Liselore Tissen (Leiden University & Delft University of Technology, in collaboration with De Lakenhal)

During the event, you will also have the opportunity to experience some cultural heritage-related VR/AR/AI demos (supported by the TU Delft VR Lab). Moreover, there are plans for several short presentations on ongoing/recently completed (research) projects.


The event will be organized at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Landbergstraat 15, Delft. We will be in two different locations (consecutively) within the faculty building. Please find more details in the programme overview.


13:00 - 13:15          Walk-in with coffee/tea                                                                             
13:15 - 13:45          Welcome & introduction to the creative sessions process & cases         
13:45 - 15:00          Creative sessions - part 1                                                                         
15:00 - 15:30          Break with VR/AR/AI demos                                                                     
15:30 - 16:00          Presentations of ongoing projects                                                             
16:00 - 17:00          Creative sessions - part 2
17:00 - 17:15          Presentation of session outcomes
17:15 - 17:30          Wrap up
17:30 - 18:30          Drinks

Location 1 (13:00 - 13:45) IDE Arena (lecture hall) (building map - 1st floor)
Location 2 (13:45 - 18:30) “De Kuil” (open space) (building map - Basement level, between studio K1, K2, and K3)

This is a shared event, co-organized by the TU Delft Museum Futures Lab, TU Delft Future Libraries Lab, and LDE Art, Heritage & Science cluster. This event is part of and co-located with the Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2022.

The banner image is that of the Ky-O-MI project from IDE’s Interactive Environments minor programme. You can learn more about their work here.

Event Organisers