It is crucial to have a strong foundation and execute exercises correctly for effective and safe training. By maintaining good technique during exercises, you maximize the benefits for your fitness level and minimize the risk of injuries. A solid foundation enables you to make progress and achieve your fitness goals in a sustainable manner.

The ticket hour 'Training Essentials: Your Strong Foundation' focuses on essential fitness exercises using free weights such as dumbbells and barbells. Each session covers a different exercise, providing in-depth knowledge and guidance from the instructor on correct execution. This ticket hour is designed to expand your foundational knowledge and enhance your technical skills in basic exercises, regardless of whether you have attended previous sessions in this series.

By participating in this ticket hour, you'll gain deeper insights into each exercise, increase your foundational knowledge, and improve your ability to perform the exercises with proper technique. Whether you're new to fitness or looking to refine your skills, this ticket hour offers valuable instruction to optimize your training routine.

Schedule & enrolment


This ticket hour will be led by different fitness instructors.


You need an X subscription for this ticket hour.

Check the rates

Practical Information

Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Also, bring a towel and a water bottle.