Strength & Conditioning reflects the major fitness trends of CrossFit, callisthenics and functional fitness. The ticket hour Strength & Conditioning is comprised of a “Workout of the Day / WOD” under the guidance of a teacher and is regularly accompanied by a training where you can get the hang of the basic techniques; the Fundamental class (fridays).

During the WOD, the different elements of Fitness Training, Weightlifting and Gymnastics are involved so that you work on your overall fitness. The combination of high-intensity training in short time intervals gives an adrenaline rush that simultaneously has an impact on the development of strength, skills and muscle condition.

In the Fundamentals class on Friday you learn the basic techniques of Functional Fitness. The focus will be on movements such as Squats and Deadlifts. In addition, there is also an Olympic Weightlifting. The Fundamental classes are essential for beginners who want to participate in the WOD training; so you lay the foundations here and understand how to move.

In small groups of a maximum of six people, you practice all the exercises under the guidance of our instructor.

The lessons provide a perfect opportunity to get fit and/or stay in condition for your own sport.

Schedule & enrolment


Javier Wanga

Javier studied Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology. Since 2017 Javier has been active as a CrossFit lecturer in Rotterdam and he runs his own company called Wodstylez, in which he combines his passion for Graphic Design and Fitness Sport Consultancy. For Javier, fitness means thinking beyond traditional strength exercises. That's why he has specialised in functional fitness. He would like to teach you more about it at X.


You need an X subscription for this ticket hour.

Check the rates

Practical Information

Wear sports clothes that allow you to move freely as well as inside trainers. Remember to bring a towel and a bottle of water.