News & Events


18 February 2020

2.75M EU grant for STEP4WIND

2.75M EU grant for STEP4WIND

Project STEP4WIND aims at increasing the commercial readiness level of floating offshore wind energy.

03 February 2020

Kick-Off DEI 2.0

Kick-Off DEI 2.0

On 29 January Kornelis Blok took over the role as Chair for the Delft Energy Initiative (DEI). Rector Magnificus Tim van der Hagen applauded Paulien Herder for her achievements as Chair for the last 6.5 years. DEI will forward here work with 4 main energy pillars and has chosen 4 new themes to help them grow.

24 May 2019

Jan-Willem van Wingerden receives Vidi

Jan-Willem van Wingerden receives Vidi

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Vidi grants to seven TU Delft scientists. From the 3mE faculty Jan-Willem van Wingerden, professor Data Driven Control at Delft Center for Systems and Control, was honoured with an award.

30 April 2019



On Thursday 11th of April the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute, led by AE Prof. Simon Watson, successfully organised the very first S-meeting. Over sixty scientists, students and people from industrial R&D gathered to listen to highlights in Future Wind Energy Concepts and share dinner together. Speakers came from TU Delft Aerospace Engineering and the University of Strathclyde. Andrew Garrad, co-founder of Garrad Hassan (now DNVGL) closed the series with his perception on the past , present and future of wind energy.

22 February 2019

Maxim Segeren project manager Offshore Wind

Maxim Segeren project manager Offshore Wind

As of 1 January 2019, Dr. Maxim Segeren, former colleague at the Hydraulic Engineering Department of the Faculty of CE&GS, will start as project manager for Offshore Wind at the Valorisation Centre.