Successful launch and winner of the BK-Launch Ventures elective!

You can now take a range of teacher training courses from partners in the alliance – learning with and from peers across institutions.

In this recent initiative, lecturers from Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam can make use of each other's courses. This is particularly interesting for training courses that are complementary to those offered at your own university.

Marja Verstelle, Project Manager Education at Leiden-Delft-Erasmus, explains what the pilot entails: “Each university has its own specializations in its training offer. We want to inform people of what is available and make the registration process as simple as possible, so that you as a lecturer can also directly benefit from the LDE collaboration. And there are some very inspiring training courses on offer”.

Added value

Remy Fermont, education advisor at RISBO in Rotterdam, adds: “We know from experience that lecturers enjoy learning with and from each other and that the added value is even greater if you come from another faculty. How great is it to learn in this manner and to be able to do it even across universities?”

“For this initiative, we deliberately looked at where the training offering of the three universities reinforce each other. So that you really have the opportunity to learn something that is currently not possible within your own university”, he says.

By participating, you also contribute to shaping the training of the future, as your feedback helps the alliance to better understand what specific training will be needed going forward.

An additional advantage is that lectures benefit from the same course rate, irrespective of which LDE university they work at and which one is offering the training. In the case of the Microlab courses by the Erasmus University Rotterdam, participation is even free of charge.

Find out more and register The Microlabs by the Erasmus University Rotterdam are online, the training courses by Leiden University and TU Delft are, if possible, on location.

Leiden University

• Managing group work – on 25 November.

• Research-based education – in Spring 2022.

Erasmus University Rotterdam (by the Community for Learning and Innovation)

•Microlab Escapegame: How to motivate students with game based learning elements – on 22 November.

•Microlab How to design impact-driven education – on 7 December.

TU Delft

• Activating large audiences – on 11 November, 25 November and 9 December.

• Education on Stage – on 11 November, 25 November and 9 December.