Student Psychologists

The autumn has started. Hopefully your students were able to profit from your valuable knowledge and skills this 1st quarter.

If you notice a student who could use some extra support, it can be helpful to know what is offered by the student psychologists at TU Delft.

The student psychologists offer short treatment for exam stress, fear of presenting and difficulty arranging study work. Overthinking, perfectionism, anxiety and stress are very common problems amongst our students. The student psychologists can teach students methods on how to deal with these obstacles. They also have courses, online and on campus for loneliness, feeling gloomy and fear of failure and can offer guidance to students with autism or ADHD as well.

The student psychologists are there for all students and PHD’s with mild psychological complaints. People with more severe psychological complaints will be advised to turn to their GP.

The student psychologists can offer you, as a lecturer, advice on how to deal with behaviour of students who need you a bit more than usual.

Visit the website for more information on their service and the e-health courses offered.