News & In the media

292 results

16 May 2018

Angelo Vermeulen in the Daily mail: transporting humans to other solar systems

Angelo Vermeulen in the Daily mail: transporting humans to other solar systems

Forget spaceships, future travellers could travel between stars on giant hollowed out asteroids, according to a radical new plan. Students and researchers at Delft University of Technology are designing a starship they say will be able to keep generations of crew alive as they cross the gulf between stars. The TU Delft Starship Team is already working with the European Space Agency on the life support systems needed.

02 May 2018

Protecting Humanitarian Workers: Large simulation exercise at TPM for the EU project “iTrack”

Protecting Humanitarian Workers: Large simulation exercise at TPM for the EU project “iTrack”

In the week of April 16, all 13 international partners of the EU H2020 iTRACK project gathered at the TPM faculty for a full week of technology integration and testing of the ambitious iTrack system, an advanced system for real-time tracking and monitoring to support humanitarian operations in the dire conditions of conflict disasters.

30 April 2018

Gerdien de Vries and Thomas Hoppe in TU Delta about Schools as energy ambassies

Gerdien de Vries and Thomas Hoppe in TU Delta about Schools as energy ambassies

The two year action research programme, 'Schools as Energy Embassies', is supported by RVO, part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The aim is to organise support to accelerate the energy transition. In this article Gerdien de Vries and Thomas Hoppe explain what their project is about.

26 April 2018

Release of City Rhythm book

Release of City Rhythm book

On 19 April dr. Caroline Nevejan, principal investigator, and dr. Scott Cunningham, data director of research programme City Rhythm presented the book “City Rhythm, logbook of an exploration” to alderman Pieter Litjens of the city of Amsterdam and district secretary Bas van Sprew of the Amsterdam Southeast district.

25 April 2018

Michel van Eeten op over Chinese en Russische hackers

Michel van Eeten op over Chinese en Russische hackers

Maandag kwamen de Verenigde Staten en Groot-Brittannië met een gezamenlijke waarschuwing. Volgens beide landen infiltreren Russische hackers op grote schaal apparaten, met als doel het Westen dwars te zitten. Zorgen over spionage door de Chinese overheid zijn er al langer. Michel van Eeten, hoogleraar cybersecurity aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, noemde de beschuldigingen in november nog "onzuiver". "Er is minstens zoveel reden, zo niet meer, om de Amerikaanse apparatuur te wantrouwen", zei hij destijds tegen