News & In the media

292 results

04 June 2024

How social networks influence the decision to adopt rooftop solar panels

How social networks influence the decision to adopt rooftop solar panels

Research by Aarthi Sundaram of TU Delft shows that social networks and trust between people have a significant influence on whether or not people install solar panels on their roofs. This research reveals that affordability is not the main reason for choosing solar panels, despite it being commonly assumed. The results have been published in the journal Energy Research and Social Science. The article suggests leveraging the influence of social networks to create fairer solar energy programmes for all income groups.

15 May 2024

Can municipalities promote health by encouraging bicycle use?

Can municipalities promote health by encouraging bicycle use?

In the Netherlands we exercise too little, as many as 45% do not meet the exercise guideline, which states that we should exercise moderately intensively for at least 150 minutes per week. How do we get more people cycling?

13 May 2024

Wijnand Veeneman appointed full professor

Wijnand Veeneman appointed full professor

As of May 2024, the Executive Board of Delft University of Technology has appointed Wijnand Veeneman as full professor.

03 May 2024

Doing laundry when it is sunny is more complicated than expected

Doing laundry when it is sunny is more complicated than expected

Did your grandmother also do the laundry when a sunny day was forecast? Now that so many households have solar panels and the electricity network is experiencing problems due to overload at peak times, it would also be better if households with solar panels run appliances such as the washing machine on sunny days.

24 April 2024

Best paper award on Spatial Analysis for Ruth Nelson

Best paper award on Spatial Analysis for Ruth Nelson

Ruth Nelson, a PhD researcher in the department of Multi-Actor Systems and the Centre for Urban Science and Policy (CUSP), was awarded the Best Paper on Spatial Analysis at the annual Geographical Information Systems Research Conference United Kingdom (GISRUK) on the 12th of April 2024.