News & In the media

292 results

02 October 2018

Stephan Lukosch key note speaker at upcoming VR/AR events

Stephan Lukosch key note speaker at upcoming VR/AR events

Stephan Lukosch is invited to give keynote addresses at the VR/AR workshop 2018 of the German Computer Science Society and the Innovation Day of the Innovation Hub that are about to take place on 10 and 11 October in Düsseldorf, Germany. Later in October, he will give another keynote address at the Multimodal Virtual & Augmented Reality workshop (MVAR 2018) in Munich, Germany. At these events, Stephan will be speaking on the topic: ‘Designing for Engagement using Mixed Reality and Applied Games’.

20 September 2018

HumTech Lab Showcase Event

HumTech Lab Showcase Event

On Tuesday 9 October, the HumTech Lab organizes the first network meetup of the new academic year. All those who are interested in the humanitarian aid and the connection with the research and courses at Delft University are invited. You are welcome to attend to showcase your work, exchange ideas and develop plans for the upcoming year.

24 August 2018

First group of EPA students graduates in The Hague

First group of EPA students graduates in The Hague

Last Tuesday the first students of the Engineering and Policy Analysis (EPA) Master have graduated at the TU Delft Campus The Hague. During a festive thesis conference, 23 students presented their projects.

17 August 2018

First large-scale market analysis of underground cybercrime economy

First large-scale market analysis of underground cybercrime economy

Cybercrime is easier to carry out as more and more online criminal services (commodities) become available. TU Delft researcher Rolf van Wegberg investigated the extent and growth of this specific online underground economy.

15 June 2018

Angelo Vermeulen in Lentiz magazine over grenzen verleggen in het onderwijs

Angelo Vermeulen in Lentiz magazine over grenzen verleggen in het onderwijs

In een lezingenreeks voor het World Horti Center ging kunstenaar-bioloog Angelo Vermeulen in op de kruisbestuiving tussen tuinbouw en ruimtevaart. Duidelijk geen hokjesdenker dus, deze onderzoeker aan de TU Delft. In zijn werk gaat hij op allerlei mogelijke manieren grenzen over: “Ik heb niet echt een traditionele carrière, nee.”