News & In the media

297 results

01 May 2020

Servaas Storm & Enno Schröder in The Conservation UK about government expenditure and Covid-19

Servaas Storm & Enno Schröder in The Conservation UK about government expenditure and Covid-19

Research from Servaas Storm and Enno Schröder is mentioned in a piece on government expenditure in South Africa in relation to the Covid-19 crisis.

14 April 2020

Ibo van de Poel in Reformatorisch Dagblad over zelfrijdende auto's

Ibo van de Poel in Reformatorisch Dagblad over zelfrijdende auto's

Al decennia is het de droom van de gemakzuchtige autobestuurder: vanzelf naar het werk rijden, krantje erbij, kopje koffie. De praktijk is weerbarstig: de eerste zelfrijdende auto laat nog zeker tien jaar op zich wachten. Hoe komt dat? Hoe realistisch is het om van kunstmatig intelligente algoritmes intuïtieve beslissingen te verwachten, vraagt Ibo van de Poel, hoogleraar ethiek en technologie aan de TU Delft, zich af.

14 April 2020

Ibo van de Poel in Innovation Origins over covid-19 en privacy

Ibo van de Poel in Innovation Origins over covid-19 en privacy

Hoe zit het met de ethische kant van al die innovatie die het virus moet indammen? Wanneer mag een overheid rechten als privacy van individuen opzij zetten om een grote groep mensen te beschermen? Waar de grens precies ligt is een moeilijke afweging, zegt Ibo van de Poel.

02 April 2020

Hans de Bruijn in Trouw about 'Framing’ (column)

Hans de Bruijn in Trouw about 'Framing’ (column)

Hans de Bruijn has a weekly column about 'framing' in Trouw. Read the latest column.

27 March 2020

Co-creation webinar on the sustainable heating transition

Co-creation webinar on the sustainable heating transition

Heating is a fundamental aspect of the human need for shelter in our colder climates. Providing heat is a key aspect of social life. It reaches far into people's homes and private lives, involving everyday habits and negotiations between building occupants and family members. Heat is a cultural service that cannot be seen through the lens of economic efficiencies and return on investments only. In the transition to sustainable heating, homeowners and local communities therefore form essential parts of the system. Their contribution to this low carbon transition by adopting sustainable heating technology for their homes and buildings is key to making it happen, and co-creation provides the space. In contrast to traditional policy-making processes, co-creation engages and empowers local communities and allows them to co-design or even co-decide the planning and implementation of sustainable heating strategies. How does this translate into practice, especially during a pandemic crisis?