News & In the media

295 results

03 May 2022

Dutch cabinet is awarding 21.3 million euros to the research project ‘The algorithmic society’

In the framework of the Gravitation programme, the Dutch cabinet is awarding 21.3 million euros to the research project ‘The algorithmic society’, led by UvA University Professors Natali Helberger and Claes de Vreese. Seda Gürses is one of the Co-PIs on the project, together with José van Dijck (UU), Monique Buijzen (EUR), Corien Prins (UVT).

02 May 2022

Millions in funding allocated to research into ‘the algorithmic society’

Millions in funding allocated to research into ‘the algorithmic society’

In the framework of the Gravitation programme, the cabinet is awarding 21.3 million euros to the research project ‘The algorithmic society’, led by UvA University Professors Natali Helberger and Claes de Vreese. Seda Gürses is one of the Co-PIs on the project. One of the focus points will be on the implications of the growing use of automated decision making and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

02 May 2022

The Programmable Infrastructures Project will be participating in the Geneva Health Forum

We will be participating in the Geneva Health Forum in a panel titled "Deploying Digital Contact Tracing: challenges and opportunities”. We will be discussing the ways in which computational infrastructures encountered public health efforts in the context of Contact Tracing applications to think about the the potentials and implications of this encounter in Europe, US and in what the World Bank calls Low and Middle Income Countries.

25 April 2022

Paper published in Sustainability on the first Participatory Value Evaluation by Anatol Itten and Niek Mouter

Paper published in Sustainability on the first Participatory Value Evaluation by Anatol Itten and Niek Mouter

When Digital Mass Participation Meets Citizen Deliberation: Combining Mini- and Maxi-Publics in Climate Policy-Making.

22 April 2022

Michel van Eeten in Financieele Dagblad over cybersecuritytrainingen

Michel van Eeten in Financieele Dagblad over cybersecuritytrainingen

Een training cyberveiligheid is bij veel grote organisaties al vaste prik. Hoeveel nut hebben zulke bewustwordingsprogramma’s? Michel van Eeten wil bewustwordingsprogramma’s niet afraden, ‘want dan krijg ik de poppen aan het dansen in de trainingssector’. Maar hij klinkt enthousiaster over een experiment van een collega die medewerkers eigen ervaringen met cyberaanvallen laat delen.