Extra individual exam
In line with TU Delft policy, the Board of Examiners is of the opinion that students should be able to complete their studies at a reasonable pace with two examination opportunities per academic year. Therefore, granting an extra exam opportunity is to be avoided as much as possible, partly because of an increased workload for teachers. Students are expected to make use of the scheduled exam possibilities and to plan their study appropriately.
The Board of Examiners will only accept a request for an extra exam opportunity that meets the following criteria:
- The request concerns the last course to complete the curriculum (check MyTUDelft) except for the Master Thesis Project (only for MSc-students);
- The request involves a considerable study delay in the regular study programme (more than one period).
Discuss your situation and your request with an academic counsellor before sending your application to the Board of Examiners, e-mail examencommissie-TBM@tudelft.nl (with a copy to the academic counsellor).
Your request must include the following items:
- Your name and student number
- Study programme
- Course name, course code, module manager (check whether or not this is the last course to take)
- Next exam date as scheduled.