5.0 Forms and regulations

Rules and Regulations

You are the process- and content manager of your thesis project.
You follow the regulations and rules and use master forms during the process.

Do you fulfull the entry requirements?

  • Your ISP should be approved by dr. Stefano Fazi;
  • You should have a minimum of 80 EC.

Ideally, you start your thesis with 90 EC. A minimum of 80 EC is accepted, however (5 EC in Specialisations and 5 EC in Electives). It is not ideal, because time-outs for resits extend your thesis period; the missing courses have to be passed before the final defence date. Discuss missing courses and your time-outs for exams with your supervisors at the moment you face them. Do not hide them.

The TIL forms in detail

  • TIL-0: Graduation process. Print and check regularly to prevent issues;
  • TIL-1 - Entry requirements and composition of Graduation Committee. Signed (digitally) by the chair in or after your kick-off meeting;
  • TIL-1a: Change of Graduation Committee. Members may be replaced or added during the process;
  • My Study planning (MSP) (former TIL-2) - Used for registration and acceptance of ISP, monitoring of study progress and allowance to start a thesis project.
  • TIL-3 - Application master degree. Email this asap after you receive a green light for your thesis report. There should be 20 working days between your green light meeting and final defence meeting.
  • TIL-4 - When you want to end your MSc TIL before graduation.

What happens after I email TIL-1?

SPA will respond as follows:

a. Acceptance email
Your graduation committee is accepted. You passed all courses belonging to your chosen Specialisation and your Electives. You have the required 90 (80) EC.

b. Rejection email
This can have many reasons:
First, your graduation committee does not have the correct composition.
Solution: Search for the correct supervisors. This can also be necessary after the kick-off meeting, for instance if a supervisor is misaligned with the content. This may already have started before the kick-off meeting.

Second, you miss more than 10 EC of your individual programme. This can be because you have not passed these courses. Or that the lecturer involved was too late entering EC in OSIRIS. Or that you took a major break in your study and upon return you realise that certain courses have changed completely and you missed the opportunity to take the final exams of that course. Sometimes the number of EC has changed, which may mean that you have too litte EC at the end. Maybe you changed Specialisation during your study, as a result of which you have many Electives, yet not fulfill all requirements. You end up with a blend of courses from different study years.Solutions: Formally you are not allowed to start. Discuss options with a study advisor, then talk with your graduation committee. With permission you can still start in order to reduce further study delay.
You can decide to replan your thesis and focus on the missing courses. Reserve time to study for the missing EC and continue later with your thesis project.
Contact the course instructor of the missing course(s) for help. Sometimes an additional written or oral exam can be arranged. Or you can ask for a 1:1 meeting to elaborate topics you have difficulty with and then have a resit.


Regulations change each year (a bit). Follow the regulations from the year you started your MSc. If courses change or disappear, then the Transitional Rules of more recent years explain which courses you should take as replacement.

Obligatory courses second year

Thesis project