Transitional rules for MSc CIE students of cohort 2021-2022 and earlier

In September 2022, the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences (CEG) started with a renewed Master's program for Civil Engineering (CIE). At the same time, CEG also started with a redesigned Master's programme in Applied Earth Sciences (AES) and a new Master's programme in Environmental Engineering (ENV). On this page we want to inform you about the possible consequences of this transition for the study program and courses of  CIE students who are finishing the previous CIE programme (cohort 21-22 and earlier).

Students from cohorts 21-22 and earlier will remain in their own programme and for now will not automatically transfer to the new programme. It has been ensured for these students that there are sufficient exam opportunities and support to complete their program without study delay. Transitional rules have been made to facilitate completing your current MSc programme. The complete transitional rules can be read in the annex to the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) of the MSc Civil Engineering of academic year 22/23. These transitional rules are valid until the end of academic year 2025-2026. From academic year 2026-2027 students within an old programme will automatically be transferred to the new program and therefore must comply to the (admission) criteria of the new programme.

Separate information pages have been set up for the most important themes of the transitional rules. Themes such as 'Completing the current MSc programmes', 'Following equivalent components from the new programme', 'Choosing modules from a new programme as an elective' and 'Switching to a new programme'. Click on the buttons below to read the rules and regulations per theme and to find more practical information about these topics. The information regarding following equivalent parts of the new programme is especially important in case you have not successfully finished a mandatory course in your exam programme and this course is no longer offered. 

Rules around transition from current to new Master programme CE

Questions and support

Should you have questions about the transition in general or seek support for your own study planning, please contact the study-advisors:

Please check out the following pages if you want to know more about the redesigned Master's programmes in Civil EngineeringApplied Earth Sciences, or the new Master's programme Environmental Engineering, or have a look at the special FAQ page about the new Master's programmes via the link below.