R. Merino Martinez

R. Merino Martinez



In 2018, Roberto obtained the prestigious cum laude distinction (only top 5% PhDs are eligible) for his PhD thesis " Microphone arrays for imaging of aerospace noise sources".
He also received the Clean Sky Academy Award for the best PhD thesis in Applied Sciences and Engineering for Aeronautics in Europe in 2019.
In 2020, he received the second prize in the TRA VISIONS Young Researcher Competition in the field of Aviation, founded by the EU.


Dr. Roberto Merino-Martinez is a tenure-track assistant professor at the Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects (ANCE) section of the Aerospace Engineering Faculty of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). He is also a part-time aeroacoustics consultant for the engineering company Peutz bv.

Roberto obtained his BSc and MSc in Aerospace Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in Spain after completing a research stay in the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) of Stockholm, Sweden within an Erasmus grant. After that, he obtained his PhD cum laude in TU Delft in December 2018. Afterwards he worked 3 years as a postdoctoral researcher in the same research group.

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Roberto's research focuses on the use of microphone arrays (also known as acoustic cameras) and advanced acoustic imaging techniques that enable sound visualization. This approach is especially useful in the field of aeroacoustics, in which the noise sources on e.g. flying aircraft or wind turbines can be identified, isolated, and analyzed. Therefore, this is a necessary step to obtain quieter aircraft and wind turbines, since we can identify and characterize the noise sources to mitigate. Roberto has extensive experience in aeroacoustic experiments in field tests and wind-tunnel measurements, as well as noise modelling tools. During the last years, he has been studying the field of psychoacoustics to determine the perceptive human response to aircraft and wind turbine noise and how to optimize the designs to provide the most pleasant-sounding devices.

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