
36087 results

E.P.N. Schreurs

H.T. (Hilde) Remøy

Justus & Louise van Effen Research Grant

Application Deadline: Three months before departure | €750 + a reimbursement for (a part of) your travel expenses | Research | Only for MSc…

The International Internship Fund

Application Deadline: before the start of your internship abroad | €250 for non European destinations - €100 for European destinations |…

ERASMUS+ Traineeship Grant

Application Deadline: All year | €360 - €480 per month | Internship Erasmus + is an EU programme managed by the European Commission, the…

NL Scholarship

€2500 | 72 scholarships available - 9 per faculty | Study, Internship, Research Important Updates Students considering travelling abroad for…