
36024 results

C. (Christos) Gogou

TU Delft and Stanford students codesign new self-driving car feature

TU Delft and Stanford students codesign new self-driving car feature

For the first time, Delft Design students from the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering participated in Stanford University’s…

IAWA scholarship recipient says success is about helping each other

IAWA scholarship recipient says success is about helping each other

The International Aviation Womens Association (IAWA) chose master’s student Julia Radius as its 2019 TU Delft scholarship recipient. The…

TU Delft student team designs a self-supporting lunar village

TU Delft student team designs a self-supporting lunar village

Dream Team ‘Space Oasis Delft’ has designed a lunar village for 150+ residents. The dwellings have elements of biomimicry, contain a…

Revolutionising Water Level Monitoring: TU Delft's Alticube+ Selected by ESA

Revolutionising Water Level Monitoring: TU Delft's Alticube+ Selected by ESA

Als het waterniveau ergens op aarde stijgt -of daalt- willen we dat graag snel weten, zodat niemand gevaar loopt. Daarvoor is het nodig om…

MSc Sustainable Energy Technology

MSc Sustainable Energy Technology

Degree: Master of Science Sustainable Energy Technology Accreditation: Accredited by the NVAO Credits: 120 ECTS, 24 Months Type: Full-time…

Pregnancy and student parent

Have you become pregnant during your degree programme? Or are you a parent who is studying? If so, you could be eligible for facilities from…