
36029 results

Prices X offer 2024-2025

X’s rates are based on the existing pricing policy, a brief explanation of which can be found below. X subscription price The X subscription…



Be part of our mission and become our partner TU Delft Career Centre works with students, PhDs, PDEngs and young alumni to help them build…

1-on-1 consultation

Do you have a question that is not covered by one of our workshops, or that needs more time than is available during a walk-in hour? Then…

10. How to study without stress?

Videotext Now for a less funny subject. Stress. There are many forms of stress: academic stress, fear of failure, perfectionism,…


A large number of workshops and training courses (many of which are free of charge) on studying effectively, getting personal support,…

Meet us

The Career & Counselling Services team is committed to assist students, PhDs, PDEngs and young alumni to develop throughout their studies…

MSc Sustainable Energy Technology

MSc Sustainable Energy Technology

Current energy systems are primarily based on fossil fuels. The energy transition aims to significantly reduce or even completely stop the…


Would you like to have more information about extra counselling, special requirements and/or services, please send an email to…

9. Quit procrastination

Videotext Wanna hear a secret …? You’re like totally allowed to procrastinate! Missed a deadline? Chill. Just tell ‘m that WE’re okay with…

5. How to learn to plan in 4 steps?

Videotext Worrying and grinding, but also remembering lists in your head with everything you need to do all use working memory capacity.…