
36379 results

Hanna Post joined ImPhys as MSc student

Hanna Post joined ImPhys as MSc student

Hanna Post has joined the MARS lab for her Msc project. She will work on B1+ mapping and adiabatic pulses under supervision of Masa…


Research Partners Project Partners

Smart Microscopy

Artificial intelligence for optimization of Super-resolution imaging/ Smart Adaptive Microscopy/ Physics informed video segmentation What?…


Full publication list Open Researcher and Contributor ID Research Gate Publications 2023 K. A. Ibrahim, K. S. Grußmayer, N. Riguet, L.…

eHealth Lab

eHealth, the use of ICT in healthcare, is increasingly becoming a societal and research-driven topic. eHealth projects typically have a…

Healthy by Design: How the places we inhabit determine our well-being

Healthy by Design: How the places we inhabit determine our well-being

Everywhere she looks, Associate Professor Dr Deepti Adlakha finds connections between urban design and health. She has spent her life not…

Research & Projects

2011- present The influence of the reclamation of the radial sand ridges off the Jiangsu coast, China The radial sand ridges are located at…

Research & Projects

Within my PhD research I investigate relevant mechanisms that drive long-term coastal evolution in the surfzone. With a particular focus on…


MSc students Xiaomin Liao (2014-2015) Niek Waagmeester (2014-2015) George Fotis (2014-2015) Alessia Ferrara (2015-2015) Emanuela Palazzotto…


2011 – now: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands | Hydraulic engineering | PhD Candidate 2008 – 2011: Hohai University, China |…