The central focus is on analysing and solving complex problems that involve many parties with conflicting interests. The fundamental themes…
In the CoSEM Master's programme you explore the innovations in complex socio-technical environments. You learn to think about more than…
Colloquium: Bhuvesh Kaushik (ASM)
Investigation of Vanillin-Derived Bio-Based Epoxy as a High-Performance Composite Matrix Material
Bachelor of Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics teaches you not to accept things at face value. You try to deduce rules through systematic research, from which you can…
Admission requirements Applied Mathematics
The entry requirements for the programmes depend on the previous education you have done and the bachelor's programme you want to do.
Verplichte studiekeuzecheck TW
De bachelor Technische Wiskunde is een leuke en uitdagende studie, maar komt niet altijd overeen met wat aankomende studenten verwachten.
Tuition and fees
Studying costs money; there is no way around this
Application procedure
The first step is to apply via Studielink before 1 May. You are only officially enrolled once you have met the admission requirements for…
Contact TW
Do you have further questions? Contact us using the details on this page.
From application to enrollment
Do you want to apply for the Bachelor of Engineering Mathematics? Then there are several steps you need to take: 1. First, check that you…