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How to prepare for online exams

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How to prepare for online exams

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New staff member in River Engineering section

Laura Maria Stancanelli started as an Assistant Professor in the River Engineering group of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering.…

Building with Nature Programme in Indonesia wins International Flood & Coast Excellence Award, 2020

Our consortium, led by EcoShape and Wetlands International, and in which TUDelft plays a prominent role via our two research projects…

Lecture like a YouTuber

Concept and Conceptualisation (C&C) is a large-scale Master’s course at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. The course is built on…

IDE in the media – week 7

Dutch items Quote - Hoe de Delftse studenten sleutelen aan een duurzame luchtvaart De Volkskrant - Als een knuffel ligt de slaaprobot in je…

Respectful renovation

Respectful renovation

More than thirty per cent of the Dutch housing stock was built between 1965 and 1985. These homes are due for renovation in the next few…

What is EWEM?

What is EWEM?

The European Wind Energy Master (EWEM) is an international MSc programme.The EWEM consortium involves 4 world leading universities in…

PRIME Catalogue

PRIME Catalogue This catalogue holds a selection of educational materials for engineering students, used in undergraduate math courses for…