Recap Frontrunners Festival - 1st edition
Thursday 15 June 2023 students, alumni and staff celebrated the 30 years of TPM at Frontrunners Festival. It was a great success!
Following our inter- and transdisciplinary ambition, we as a section of Environmental Technology and Design are active in education in the…
Humans of EEMCS
Humans of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Bert van Wee in Trouw over Treinreizen en de vakantieperiode
De internationale treinen zitten stampvol. Maar volgens Eurocommissaris Frans Timmermans kunnen spoorwegbedrijven wel degelijk nóg meer…
How to handle AI chatbot use in unsupervised projects and assignments?

TU Delft Assessment Taskforce has created practical guidelines on how lecturers can deal with the influence of AI chatbots on unsupervised…
Here you can see all the different theses we had as of 2014 till 2020 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 and older
ChatGPT at TU Delft?

Most probably you have heard of the recent developments with ChatGPT, or may have tried it yourself
New guidelines on archiving assessments and student work

Binding guidelines on how long and where to archive and delete students’ work, exams, answer models, assignments and rubrics
AI for all students at TU Delft

All bachelor students are being offered the chance to choose the AI minor in Delft this academic year – the first time this has been…
Bert van Wee op Radio 1 - dit is de dag
Hoogleraar Transportbeleid Bert van Wee spreekt over een mogelijke oplossing voor de overvolle treinen: laat studenten buiten de spits…