
36381 results

2.1 Specialisation TG - Transport Governance

About This specialisation focuses on planning processes. Planning consists of various stages; from global analysis, structured design…

2.4 Specialisation LS - Logistics Systems

About Supply chains may consist of closed (industrial) and/or open transport networks (e.g. road networks, nodes) and require hence an…

2.3 Specialisation TO - Traffic Operations

About This specialisation focuses on the operational management and control of traffic and the technologies and methodologies facilitating…

Project Real Versus Digital awarded

Project Real Versus Digital awarded

National libraries, such as the KB, National Library of the Netherlands, have been working on digitising their collections for years. Due to…

Kraijenhoff map (1798-1822)

Kraijenhoff map (1798-1822)

In 1795, the Batavian Republic was proclaimed and a new administrative division evolved (1798). The government needed a map of the entire…

Theme: Flow

Lorenzo Botto Complex Fluid Processing Wim-Paul Breugem Multiphase Systems John Buchner Fluid Mechanics Pedro Costa Energy Technology René…


The forms for the Board of Examiners The forms for the Board of Examiners that are listed on this page can be sent by e-mail to the Board of…



While contributing to the growth of renewable energy, wind turbines also contribute to landfill waste and emissions upon decommissioning. It…

B. Cross Domain Graduation Studio - City of the Future

About A cooperation between MSc TIL and the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. In Q1 and Q2 you can choose as an external…

C. Schakelprogramma HBO

About For Dutch students only Hier vind je meer informatie over de vakken die je moet halen en hoe ze geroosterd zijn, om toegelaten te…