Ir. Y. (Yan) Yuan
I’m a PhD candidate at the Department of Geoscience & Remote Sensing under the supervision of Paco Lopez Dekker. I received my MSc degree within the same department in 2020. My research interest falls in the physical content indicated by radar observables.
My MSc thesis, which contributes to the Earth Explorer 10 mission Harmony, is about modulation of radar backscatter by upper ocean dynamics. During my Ph.D. project, I will continue working on the radar observables but focusing more on the phase inconsistencies in SAR interferometric triplets. New techniques to detect soil moisture and sub-surface anomalies in the cryosphere will be developed.
Yan Yuan
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23
Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
Monday till Friday