Renewed IDE BSc programme kicks off with Education Inspirations and more!
On the 23rd of August, the bachelor revision team hosted Education Inspirations to mark the official launch of IDE’s renewed Bachelor in…
IDE in the media – week 35
Dutch items: Sociale Vraagstukken - Lang leven onze spullen – en het milieu! RHIA - 15 ontwerpen voor maatschappelijke drones Delftse Post -…
Juancito van Leeuwen joined ImPhys as MSc student
Juancito will help to engineer periodic assemblies of gas vesicles (called phononic crystals) that, if successful, could serve as improved…
Kees den Heijer
Bio: Kees den Heijer is Senior Developer Open Science Infrastructures at 4TU.ResearchData and the Research Data Services team of the TU…
DUWIND PhD Event “The future of wind energy, its challenges and our solutions” postponed
Earlier this year, the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute invited you to discuss the future of wind energy, its challenges and our solutions. In…
Excursion The excursion will take place on Thursday 23rd of September, in the afternoon Zeeland is a province in the south-west of the…
Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture and its Ways of Knowing
The 'Communities of Tacit Knowledge' (TACK) project focuses on the concept of tacit knowledge in architecture. Tacit knowledge is a type of…
Cite your data
Published research data should be cited in the same way as other scholarly outputs such as journal articles, reports and conference papers.…
Request Graduation Workplace
IDE workplace for graduating students The Faculty IDE has a limited number of graduation workplaces available for students who do not have a…
Keynote speech Zeki Erkin at BRAIN 2021
Dr. Zeki Erkin gave a keynote speech during the 2nd Workshop on Blockchain Theory and Applications, BRAIN, 2021 on September the 5th.