
36339 results

Unravelling how DNA is looped with DelftBlue and experiments

Unravelling  how DNA is looped with DelftBlue and experiments

Roman Barth Proteins are the molecules that carry out essential functions in our cells, such as compacting long strands of DNA into a tiny…

Legal protection

This section contains regulations about objections and complaints for students and, in some cases, for third parties. The Higher Education…

Learning and Autonomous Control

Professors Prof. dr. R. (Robert) Babuska Group leader Learning and Autonomous Control Reinforcement learning, nonlinear control, data-driven…


Professors Prof. dr. ir. J. (Hans) Hellendoorn Head of department Director of Education & Graduate School Autonomous Robots & software-based…

History, Form & Aesthetics

History, Form and Aesthetics studies long-term developments, design processes, and perceptions of architectural and urban forms. Seen…

Admission and application

If you want to be admitted to the MSc programme Technical Medicine, you have to meet the admission requirements. These requirements depend…

Teachers Manual - Education at IDE

Teachers Manual - Education at IDE

IDE TEACHERS' MANUAL Education at IDE Go back to IDE Teachers' Manual home page Education at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering…