
36041 results

Official launch of e-Refinery

Official launch of e-Refinery

Op dinsdag 22 mei stond het Process & Energy lab bol van e-Refinery: hèt gloednieuwe consortium dat met een unieke integrale aanpak, van…

Open Days for secondary school students at 3mE (26 May 2018)

Open Days for secondary school students at 3mE (26 May 2018)

On Saturday 26 May, TU Delft will be organising the last Open Day of this academic year. Secondary school students and their parents will be…

A new understanding of complex carbides in creep resistant chromium steels and super alloys

A new understanding of complex carbides in creep resistant chromium steels and super alloys

Extra-resilient crops through integration of plant biology, simulation models and AI

Extra-resilient crops through integration of plant biology, simulation models and AI

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) announced its contribution of 15 million euros to PlantXR, a CropXR research…

Marjon Stijntjes voted best 3mE educator 2022-2023

Marjon Stijntjes voted best 3mE educator 2022-2023

They praised her for the clear structure of her teaching and innovative teaching methods. Among other things, Stijntjes develops and teaches…

Three Vidi's for 3mE: Wouter Westerveld, Remco Hartkamp and Carlas Smith

Three Vidi's for 3mE: Wouter Westerveld, Remco Hartkamp and Carlas Smith

Eight researchers from TU Delft, including two from the 3mE Faculty, namely Wouter Westerveld, Remco Hartkamp and Carlas Smith, received a…

An additional wind turbine out of thin air

An additional wind turbine out of thin air

A single wind turbine generates most electricity when directly facing the wind. But for a wind farm, this may put wind turbines in each…

In memoriam - Cees van Rhee (1959-2023)

In memoriam - Cees van Rhee (1959-2023)

It is with sadness that we learned of the passing of our dear colleague Cees van Rhee on Saturday 15 July 2023 during his holiday in France.…

Liselore Tissen in various media

Digitaal Meisje met de Parel spreekt publiek juist aan (Trouw) Anti-kunsthistorica Liselore Tissen: 'Ik kan het Meisje met de parel niet…

D.J.A. (Dennis) Pauw