
35937 results

Doctoral defence A. Buso

Doctoral defence A. Buso 10 January 2025 10:00 - Location: the Senate Hall, on the 2nd floor of the Aula Conference Centre, address:…

Margherita Tavasso

Margherita Tavasso Unravelling the cellular response of tumours near yielding Often, primary tumours do not kill patients, but secondary…

Isabell Bagemihl

Bhavesh Chavan Thin film technology (ALD) for Electrolyzers I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Delft…

Hardlife Rambwawasvika

Hardlife Rambwawasvika My PhD project focuses on the application of atomic layer deposition in sustained release of phytoceuticals and…

Student for a day

Would you like to know more about a specific MSc programme? Become a ‘student for a day’ and experience the MSc programme yourself. 'Student…

F. (Mahtab) Foroughnia

H.F. (Hugo) Ledoux