Hardlife Rambwawasvika

My PhD project focuses on the application of atomic layer deposition in sustained release of phytoceuticals and agrochemicals. The project aims to address issues of stability, bioavailability and phytoavailability in those products.

My background is Applied Chemistry and I am keen to proffer Chemistry oriented solutions to challenges affecting efficiencies in the pharmaceutical and agriculture industries. I am a holder of an MPhil degree in Natural Products Chemistry from Zimbabwe and my previous research focussed on extraction of bioactive phytochemicals from medicinal herbs and their application in addressing hair disorders such as kinkiness, dandruff and alopecia. 

I am incredibly excited to join TU Delft and about the opportunity to work in the PPE group with such a wonderful people and can't wait to get to know each of you better and possibly collaborate with you. I believe collectively we can make a big difference in the field of science and broaden the scope of what may be accomplished for the betterment of mankind.

M. Tavasso

PhD candidate