
36043 results

Advanced intensive

Level CEF from B1 to B2. The level, depending on your particular results, will be equivalent to or slightly below that of the NT2-II State…

Advanced 1

Level CEF from B1 to B2-. Study workload Around 10 hours a week. Lessons The lessons take place two evenings a week. One lesson takes around…

Advanced 2

Level CEF from B2- to B2. Study workload Around 10 hours a week. Lessons The lessons take place two evenings a week. One lesson takes around…

G.Y. (Ger) Warries


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TU Delft and ASML map non-visible materials at nanoscale with ultrasound

TU Delft and ASML map non-visible materials at nanoscale with ultrasound

The increasing miniaturisation of electrical components in industry requires a new imaging technique at the nanometre scale. Delft…

Deep-sea mining less harmful to environment thanks to new ‘minerals collector’

Deep-sea mining less harmful to environment thanks to new ‘minerals collector’

. Rudy Helmons, onderzoeker Offshore and Dredging engineering, ontwierp in samenwerking met IHC Mining de collector 2.0. Een op waterdruk…