
36030 results

Rudy Negenborn in various media

Traffic Radio: Autonoom varen

Arend Schwab in various media

Fietsenval in Apeldoorn - Fietsersbond Vrees voor ongelukken met fietsers door ‘gevaarlijke’ wildroosters bij Apeldoorn: ‘Dit gaat fout’ |…

New tool for organ repair: curvature of the environment

New tool for organ repair: curvature of the environment

A ball, a saddle, or a flat plate. The curvature of biomaterials inhibits or stimulates bone cells to make new tissue. This is what TU Delft…

The Ship Hydromechanics lab welcomes the upgraded Wave-Flume Tank

The Ship Hydromechanics lab welcomes the upgraded Wave-Flume Tank

A number of internal relocations have taken place in the 3mE building the past year and one of them was the relocation of the Wave-Flume…

Rapid change of friction causes tactile ultrasound illusion

Rapid change of friction causes tactile ultrasound illusion

Michaël Wiertlewski, Assistant Professor at the Cognitive Robotics Department, and his colleagues have created a glass plate that can…

Vijayendra Umesh Shastri has been awarded an NWO-XS grant

Vijayendra Umesh Shastri has been awarded an NWO-XS grant

Vijayendra Umesh Shastri from the Precions and Microsystems Engineering Department has been awarded a NOW-XS grant for his quantitative…

TU Delft to help green the maritime sector with SH2IPDRIVE

TU Delft to help green the maritime sector with SH2IPDRIVE

Twenty-five companies and knowledge institutes in the maritime industry have joined forces in SH2IPDRIVE: Sustainable Hydrogen Integrated…

Symposium “The Future of Human-Robot Interaction”

Symposium “The Future of Human-Robot Interaction”

On Friday March 22nd 2019, prof. David Abbink will hold his inaugural lecture as professor in Haptic Human-Robot Interaction. The talk…

David Abbink in various media

AGConnect: Zorgrobots, laveren tussen utopie en dystopie (Dutch) NWO: Buiten de lijntjes (Dutch) De Ingenieur: Cobots: een robot als collega…

Partnership launched between e-Refinery and the HyET Group to develop decarbonisation technologies

Partnership launched between e-Refinery and the HyET Group to develop decarbonisation technologies

TU Delft e-Refinery has entered into a partnership with HyET E-Trol and HyET NoCarbon to develop and scale up electrolysis and carbon…