
36374 results

Circular watchtower becomes circular pavilion

Circular watchtower becomes circular pavilion

The circular watchtower that could be found last year on the corner of the Westlandseweg and Nieuwe Gracht was demolished last month. The…

Delft | Day 5 | Video

Delft | Day 5 | Video

Delft | Day 5 | Teaser Get a quick peep at the fnal presentations on the Hammen Farm Redevelopment, in TU Delft. Video by: Nikol Dimitriou

New PhD researcher to join our lab

New PhD researcher to join our lab

In February 2022, Liubov Pilshchikova will join our open data lab. The objective of her PhD research is to investigate the influence of…

TPM bachelor student Niels Goedegebure presents innovative research on price forecasting uncertainty at international conference

TPM bachelor student Niels Goedegebure presents innovative research on price forecasting uncertainty at international conference

The increase in electric cars is causing peak loads on the existing, and sometimes outdated, regional energy network, with the result that…

Bert van Wee in AutoWeek over voordelen bij snelheidsbeperking op snelweg in avond

Bert van Wee in AutoWeek over voordelen bij snelheidsbeperking op snelweg in avond

Als het aan regeringspartijen D66 en ChristenUnie ligt, mogen we ook 's nachts niet harder dan 100 km/h rijden. In AutoWeek deelt Bert van…

Travel | Day 6&7

Travel | Day 6&7

Travel | Day 6&7 The students used their weekend to travel across Europe, to reach from Delft to Covilhã. They chose to travel by bus, as a…

PhD Defense Arie Purwanto

PhD Defense Arie Purwanto

On December 10, 2021, Arie Purwanto successfully defended his PhD dissertation, entitled “Citizen Engagement with Open Government Data: A…

Delft | Day 4

Delft | Day 4

Delft | Day 4 On Thursday 21st of July, the students attended a Master Class by Greg Keeffe, from Queen's University of Belfast, on…

Delft | Day 5

Delft | Day 5

Delft | Day 5 Day 5 is Presentation day! On Friday the 22nd of July, the students finalized their ideas and presented their proposals on the…

Business data sharing through data marketplaces

Our latest article “Business data sharing through data marketplaces: A systematic literature review” has been published in the Journal of…