
36035 results

Ant insights lead to robot navigation breakthrough

Ant insights lead to robot navigation breakthrough

Have you ever wondered how insects are able to go so far beyond their home and still find their way? The answer to this question is not only…

Introduction Jasper Verschuur: New Team Member Climate Safety & Security Research Center

Introduction Jasper Verschuur: New Team Member Climate Safety & Security Research Center

Welcome to Our New Assistant Professor: Jasper Verschuur We are thrilled to announce that Jasper Verschuur has joined our team as an…

Zorgplicht and Student Guidance

TU Delft Duty of Care Politics and society place a great demand on universities when it comes to student well-being. The increased…

J.G.N. (Koos) van der Horst

I.A. (Israel) Carrete

S.A.A. (Saqr) Al-Muraisy

Vision on Teaching & Learning 2030

By creating a vision around teaching and learning we hope to provide a clear, up-to date perspective and an aligned view on teaching at TU…

Student Guidance Narratives

A reflective workshop designed to stimulate dialogue around student guidance practices, amongst different stakeholder groups at the…