How to keep waterborne transport moving amid climate change?
How to keep waterborne transport moving amid climate change? 13 January 2025 13:00 till 16:00 - Location: Delft. Details will follow | Add…
BSc programme Earth, Climate and Technology - TU Delft
As from academic year 2025, the BSc programme Applied Earth Sciences will be renewed. We aim to continue the revised programme under a new…
Call for Proposals
Call for Proposals Are you a TU Delft lecturer interested in lifelong learning and sharing your expertise more widely with the world? Join…
P.J. (Jan) van Voorst Vader
M.R. Beikmirza
- +31 15 27 89331
- 36.HB 18.280
A.S.C. Mergler
H. Van Lookeren Campagne
J.P. (Jane Pauline) Ramirez
E.S. Van Rheenen
B. (Burak) Şişman
- 34.F-1-560