GSE continues using Move Software
![GSE continues using Move Software](
Petroleum Experts Ltd (Petex) has kindly donated 10 licenses of the MOVE Suite software to the Delft University of Technology. The software…
Systems and linear equations
![Systems and linear equations](
Systems and linear equations This video discusses what a system of linear equations is and how many solutions it can have. Presenter: J.…
The t-test
![The t-test](
The t-test This video explains how the t-test works and discusses an example of using the t-test. Presenter: A. Cabo, 2017
Discover Your Master
MSc Applied Mathematics Learn more MSc Computer and Embedded Systems Engineering Learn more MSc Computer Science Learn more MSc Electrical…
Olympus widefield and Confocal rescan
Purpose: - Suitable for widefield fluorescence and transmission imaging - Instant shift to confocal rescan imaging (slow). Pinhole size= 50…
Spinning Disc Confocal
Purpose: - Fast and gentle 3D confocal sectioning @ Large Field of View - Live experiments - Smart acquisition using Nikon - FRAP…
Solution sets of linear equations
![Solution sets of linear equations](
Solution sets of linear equations This video discusses solution sets of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear systems and how a row…
Inner product and orthogonality
![Inner product and orthogonality](
Inner product and orthogonality This video shows generalizes the inner product to higher dimensional spaces and discusses the geometric…
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Fujitsu and TU Delft explore the horizon of High Performance Computing
![Fujitsu and TU Delft explore the horizon of High Performance Computing](
In an era where computing power continues to grow at an exponential rate, the importance of high-performance computing (HPC) cannot be…