
36083 results

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

Record temperatures, floodings and melting sea ice: radical weather events are becoming more frequent and have a devastating effect on our…


Atsushi Urakawa Professor Staff & Support Team Els Arkesteijn Secretary & Administrative support Willy Rook Technician Bart van der Linden…


Student initiatied workshops and events to help students build emotional resilience in a low-key environment. Project Background As part of…

Macro-CT scanner

General Information Instruments: Siemens Somatom Definition Dual Beam CT-scanner. Description: CT-scanner, similar to the ones used for…

Micro-CT scanner

General Information Instruments: TESCAN, CoreTOM Micro CT Description: Micro computed tomography scanner to characterize microstructures of…

Workshop: Co-Creating a Vision for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050

Workshop: Co-Creating a Vision for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050

Workshop: Co-Creating a Vision for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050 20 September 2024 09:00 till 13:00 - Location: TU Delft | Campus The…

Boards of Studies

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment has 2 Boards of Studies: BoS BSc Bouwkunde and MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building…


People Staff Atsushi Urakawa Monique van der Veen Atul Bansode Former staff members Freek Kapteijn Michiel Makkee Technicians Liliana Baron…

Work package 1

1: Embedding in the university This is about supporting faculties in developing and delivering their LLL offer. We will work together to…


People Bansode Group Staff and Support Harrie Jansma Technician Els Arkesteijn Management Assistant Postdocs Dhanaji Naikwadi Postdoctoral…