A.J. Hermans
Improving cybersecurity and securing against cybercrime
How do we keep the internet, and therefore Dutch and European society, safe?
Energy hub as powerful concept in energy transition
An energy hub can relieve the parent energy system by balancing the local supply of and demand for energy; this means an energy hub is…
J.T. (Johan) Padding
- +31 15 27 86605
- 34b.K-1-200
Measuring by light
Measuring by light 01 April 2025 09:00 till 03 April 2025 18:00 - Location: Delft University of Technology Auditorium Conference Center…
O. (Ole) Bergmann
G.C. (Guillaume) Broggi
- 61.Hal 1.05
S. (Shahab) Ashrafi Habibabadi
- +31 15 27 87250
- 08.01.West.550