S. (Shahab) Ashrafi Habibabadi

S. (Shahab) Ashrafi Habibabadi


Shahab is a PhD candidate at the Department of Management in the Built Environment (MBE), within the Design and Construction Management section. His research primarily focuses on Circular Supply Chain Management for the Renovation of Urban Bridges and Quay Walls.

His PhD research is a key component of the Logiquay project, which aims to develop circular logistics methods and multi-project control solutions to expedite the renovation of bridges and quay walls in Amsterdam. Logiquay seeks to enhance sustainability and circularity by reusing secondary materials and reducing transport movements and emissions. Shahab’s work specifically addresses the assessment of circular potential in urban infrastructure and conducts Material Flow and Stock Analysis (MFSA) at the macro level.

Passionate about industry-relevant and collaborative research, Shahab actively collaborates with the AMS Institute (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions), the municipality of Amsterdam, and numerous other institutes, engineering firms, and contractors. His dedication to integrating academic research with practical applications ensures that his work contributes significantly to both theoretical advancements and real-world solutions.

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Academic background

Shahab completed his Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of Bologna (2020-2023), where his thesis focused on BIM-driven circularity assessment and demolition waste management. During his master’s studies, he was awarded the Erasmus scholarship, which allowed him to spend over a year at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology (2015-2019).

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