
36036 results A.J. (Adam) Pel

Open menu Staff Dr. Adam Pel is assistant professor on transport modelling, and traffic analyst at Fileradar. His main fields of expertise…

Dr. V.L. (Victor) Knoop

Open menu Staff Dr. Victor Knoop is associate professor at the Department of Transport & Planning. His main research interest lies in… H. (Henk) Taale

Open menu Staff Dr. Henk Taale is part-time assistant professor at the Department of Transport & Planning and senior consultant at…

Momo Medical, ready to scale-up!

Momo Medical, ready to scale-up!

The YES!Delft startup Momo Medical has successfully completed an application for the Rabobank Innovation Loan (AIL) . With this loan the…

The Hague worst hit in the case of extreme precipitation

The Hague worst hit in the case of extreme precipitation

A new precipitation index compares the risks that different cities face from extreme rainfall. In The Netherlands, The Hague will be…

Solar charging of electrical vehicles

Solar charging of electrical vehicles Electric cars are seen as the sustainable future of transport. But they are only truly sustainable if…

2nd JPEG Workshop on Media Blockchain Announcement (Lisbon)

2nd JPEG Workshop on Media Blockchain Announcement (Lisbon)

Dr. Zeki Erkin is giving an invited talk on “Blockchain, Distributed Trust and Privacy” at 2nd JPEG Workshop on Media Blockchain in Lisbon…

The ever challenging fight between strength and weight

Hey guys, Sasha here! When I began working at the Eco-Runner Team, I (as mathematician and physicist) never imagined that some day I would…

Using Scrum

It’s almost Christmas. This means that the end of the detailed design phase is in sight. This is the phase where everybody designs their…

Collaboration between departments

As a member of the Software department in the Forze Hydrogen Electric Racing team, making the car ready to race is not only a one…