
36374 results

Improvement of the chlorination process of PDAM Tirtawening, Bandung, Indonesia

Due to total different water quality standards and disinfection methods over the world, we wanted to go abroad for our Bachelor Thesis to…

PhD Research

Current Open menu Modeling the heat storage and estimating evaporation of lakes and reservoirs in arid and semi-arid regions Practical tools…

Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is broadly defined as the collection of information about an object without being in physical contact with it. In hydrology…

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is a technique for getting to know the people, groups and organizations that may influence the success of a project or…


A model is probably the most general concept that exists and as such used by all researchers in all fields as basic tool. Without models no…

Modeling the heat storage and estimating evaporation of lakes and reservoirs in arid and semi-arid regions

Ali Abbasi was born in Birjand, Iran, on the 11th of December 1980. In September 2003, he got his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering-Majoring…


It's a complex world out there. At water resources management we believe that to understand the processes that govern our lives (rainfall,…

Real-time Control

All water systems surrounding us need some sort of control, as we do not want rivers to flood us or water not be available for withering…

Statistics and probability

This site is under construction. More information on this topic will be available in the near future.

Soil Passage Water Purification. A conceptual design for Jiaxing, China

A conceptual design for Jiaxing, China By Servaas Kievits and Vibeke van der Bilt About our experience To write a thesis is a great…