Research News

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02 July 2024

Launch of the new TU Delft Repository!

Launch of the new TU Delft Repository!

The TU Delft Library is proud to announce the launch of its new Repository on 2 July! The new TU Delft Repository is a comprehensive online platform that provides access to outputs created or managed by the TU Delft.

28 June 2024

TU Delft student team designs a self-supporting lunar village

TU Delft student team designs a self-supporting lunar village

Dream Team ‘Space Oasis Delft’ has designed a lunar village for 150+ residents. The dwellings have elements of biomimicry, contain a self-sustaining biosphere and simulate a day-night cycle as well as seasons. Smart design choices safeguard not only the occupants' safety but also their mental well-being.

27 June 2024

Save The Date 23-27 September 2024: Open Science Week

Save The Date 23-27 September 2024: Open Science Week

27 June 2024

Students present improvements to manure-cleaning robot

Students present improvements to manure-cleaning robot

A robot that cleans cowsheds. 95 Master Robotics students have been working on this project for the past few weeks. On 13 June, they presented their robots to lecturers and client Lely, manufacturer of automated systems for dairy farmers. The students developed the control software for the robot. It had to avoid cows and other obstacles and navigate itself to places where there is manure.

26 June 2024

TU Delft congratulates its oldest PhD graduate ever

TU Delft congratulates its oldest PhD graduate ever

25 June 2024

Learning without knowing it at the Mechanical Engineering Design Competition

Learning without knowing it at the Mechanical Engineering Design Competition

Some 570 first-year mechanical engineering students used their crate stacker to stack almost 2,000 crates during the design competition on 12 June. The eight best stackers went through to the final, where they had to stack up to 25 crates. The competition is the culmination of the third design course of the programme and challenges students to apply all the knowledge they have gained over the past year.

21 June 2024

TU Delft presents faster and safer suit for kiter Annelous Lammerts

TU Delft presents faster and safer suit for kiter Annelous Lammerts

For the first time, kitesurfing is on the Olympic Games programme, with the Dutch Annelous Lammerts as one of the top participants. Using the Formula Kite, a hydrofoil under the kiteboard, Lammerts can reach speeds of over 70 km/h. This speed involves increased risks and aerodynamic challenges. Therefore TU Delft, in collaboration with TeamNL and textile innovation start-up WEEV Textiles, developed an advanced aerodynamic and cut-resistant suit.

21 June 2024

David Abbink receives Stevin Prize

David Abbink receives Stevin Prize

David Abbink ontvangt dit jaar de NWO Stevinpremie. De Stevinpremie en de Spinozapremie zijn de hoogste Nederlandse onderscheidingen in de wetenschap. Ze worden jaarlijks uitgereikt aan vier mensen in totaal ‘voor hun uitmuntende, baanbrekende en inspirerende werk’, aldus NWO, die dit nieuws vandaag bekend maakt. Abbink ontvangt 1,5 miljoen euro te besteden aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek en kennisbenutting. Hij ontvangt de Stevinpremie met name voor de maatschappelijke impact van zijn onderzoek.

20 June 2024

TU Delft student team Eco-Runner aims to attempt a world record with hydrogen car

TU Delft student team Eco-Runner aims to attempt a world record with hydrogen car

20 June 2024

Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize for Gertjan Medema

Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize for Gertjan Medema

14 June 2024

Fading boundary between farmers and tigers

Fading boundary between farmers and tigers

The geothermal energy well at TU Delft campus will soon start heating various buildings on campus and in the city of Delft. But it provides insufficient heat in winter, and excessive heat in summer. Adding underground seasonal storage allows surplus summer heat to be put to good use in winter. Martin Bloemendal and his team develop the means to make integration of such an underground seasonal buffer possible at a large scale.

13 June 2024

Theory results in fanatic race during the Maritime Engineering Design Day

Theory results in fanatic race during the Maritime Engineering Design Day

Around 55 first-year students in the Maritime Engineering bachelor programme introduced their parents and other interested parties to the department and its programme during Design Day. After an opening session where the parents accompanied by students were briefed on the theory, they were soon able to roll up their sleeves and get to work. They even had the opportunity to build their own floating structure!

12 June 2024

A route to scalable Majorana qubits

A route to scalable Majorana qubits

Researchers at QuTech have found a way to make Majorana particles in a two-dimensional plane. This was achieved by creating devices that exploit the combined material properties of superconductors and semiconductors. The inherent flexibility of this new 2D platform should allow one to perform experiments with Majoranas that were previously inaccessible. The results are published in Nature.

11 June 2024

Rewind to the Iron Age

Rewind to the Iron Age

Reproducing a 3,000-year-old sword for your graduation project. Materials Science & Engineering student Dorien Westert is combining archaeology and materials science by studying the microstructure of iron swords. In the process, she may learn more about how people lived in the early Iron Age.

07 June 2024

Inaugural lecture: ‘We are moving towards shared cognition between humans and robots’

Inaugural lecture: ‘We are moving towards shared cognition between humans and robots’

Will robots in the future know if a human has seen them and let them know this as well? If it’s up to TU Delft professor Joost de Winter, the answer is yes. He is working on contactless interaction between humans and machines. The ultimate goal is to merge human and robotic information processing. In his inaugural address on 7 June, De Winter will take you through the various aspects of his research but also shed light on the growing role of AI in science and education.