Research News

991 results

29 January 2019

A ship with airbags

A ship with airbags

How do you prevent a maritime disaster such as the one five years ago with the Korean ferry Sewol? And how do you give passengers more time to safely disembark during a critical situation?

28 January 2019

Nanoscale Failure in Steel

Nanoscale Failure in Steel

In our future energy system, electricity derived from solar panels and wind turbines, and heat derived from geothermal wells, heat pumps, solar collectors and urban surfaces will constitute cheap and abundant sources of carbon-free energy for our built environment and for our industries.

23 January 2019

How sustainable is electric heating? Laure Itard does the math

How sustainable is electric heating? Laure Itard does the math

The gas industry is being phased out and the trusty gas boiler will need to be replaced by electric forms of heating. Energy epidemiologist Prof. Laure Itard (Architecture and the Built Environment) calculated the CO2 emissions. Is electric always sustainable?

21 January 2019

New PowerWeb book: Intelligent Integrated Energy Systems

New PowerWeb book: Intelligent Integrated Energy Systems

This book presents research results of PowerWeb, TU Delft’s consortium for interdisciplinary research on intelligent, integrated energy systems and their role in markets and institutions.

21 January 2019

Peter Palensky assumes chairmanship IEEE PES/PELS/IAS Benelux Chapter

Peter Palensky assumes chairmanship IEEE PES/PELS/IAS Benelux Chapter

Following Hakan Ergun (KU Leuven) Peter Palensky will serve as chairman of the IEEE PELS/IAS/PES Benelux Chapter in the coming period of two years. The chairmanship rotates inside the Benelux. Palensky fulfilled several other international roles for the IEEE. For example, prior he was IEEE Austria Section Chair.

16 January 2019

The Hague worst hit in the case of extreme precipitation

The Hague worst hit in the case of extreme precipitation

A new precipitation index compares the risks that different cities face from extreme rainfall. In The Netherlands, The Hague will be affected most.

15 January 2019

Planning for large-scale thermal energy storage systems could be greatly improved

Planning for large-scale thermal energy storage systems could be greatly improved

In some places in the Netherlands, the ground is starting to run out of space for thermal energy storage systems, which can provide heating and cooling to large buildings in an energy-efficient manner. There is a much better way to do that, says researcher Marc Jaxa-Rozen. On Tuesday 15 January, he will be awarded his PhD at TU Delft for his work on the subject.

14 January 2019

Grant for forensic crime scene investigation

Grant for forensic crime scene investigation

The Department of BioMechanical Engineering at TU Delft has received a grant for its research on how to optimise the work method of forensic crime scene investigations.

14 January 2019

TU Delft and CTU win Taxify Self-driving Fleet Optimisation Challenge

An international team from TU Delft and the Czech Technical University (CTU) based in Prague have won the Taxify Self-driving Fleet Optimisation Challenge. Representatives from TU Delft included researchers Javier Alonso Mora and Michal Cap, who work at the Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) at the Automated Mobility-on-Demand with Ride-sharing (AMR) research group. The aim of the challenge was to optimise the operation of a fleet of self-driving passenger service vehicles, for example taxis in an urban environment.

14 January 2019

Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) opens new lab

Department of Cognitive Robotics (CoR) opens new lab

Dean Theun Baller and Hans Hellendoorn, head of the Department of Cognitive Robotics, oversaw the festive opening of the new CoR lab this month.

14 January 2019

Two TU Delft Global projects granted by NWO

In the second call of the joint SDG research programme of NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development and Dutch co-funding research organisations two projects from TU Delft | Global Initiative were granted funding. This programme funds use-inspired research to the benefit of the most vulnerable people in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).

14 January 2019

Materials scientists unveil Rembrandt’s 3D technique

Materials scientists unveil Rembrandt’s 3D technique

An international team of researchers, led by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Rijksmuseum, have discovered how Rembrandt created a ‘3D effect’ in his paintings.

10 January 2019

Advanced electron microscope at MSE

Advanced electron microscope at MSE

Since the of December 2018, the faculty 3mE is the proud owner of a new advanced research instrument. In the MSE department a new electron microscope, equipped with a Xe+ ion-beam, is located to facilitate materials research in 3D.

08 January 2019

Theme of the Dies Natalis celebration 2019 is Climate Action

In our future energy system, electricity derived from solar panels and wind turbines, and heat derived from geothermal wells, heat pumps, solar collectors and urban surfaces will constitute cheap and abundant sources of carbon-free energy for our built environment and for our industries.

19 December 2018

Building Market Briefs: de Europese bouwsector in kaart gebracht

Building Market Briefs: de Europese bouwsector in kaart gebracht

Het EIT Climate KIC-initiative is een Europese kennis- en innovatie community die zich inzet voor een snellere overgang naar een CO2-vrije economie. Henk Visscher, hoogleraar woonkwaliteit aan de TU Delft, is een van de initiatiefnemers om een serie rapporten, de 'Building Market Briefs' over de gebouwenvoorraad, relevante regelgeving en beleid in diverse Europese landen, uit te brengen voor innovatieve ondernemers.