Research News

991 results

29 June 2023

Management of historical geodetic instruments ensured at TU Delft

Management of historical geodetic instruments ensured at TU Delft

28 June 2023

Urban Design professors build bridge between university and practice

Urban Design professors build bridge between university and practice

De Faculteit Bouwkunde heeft twee nieuwe deeltijdhoogleraren bij de sectie Urban Design aangesteld: Anne Loes Nillesen en Tess Broekmans. Met hun praktijkervaring brengen ze waardevolle inzichten naar de academische wereld én andersom. “De TU Delft speelt een cruciale rol bij het aanpakken van grote maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Daar hebben we goede ontwerpers voor nodig.”

26 June 2023

Review of the Maritime Engineering Design Day

Review of the Maritime Engineering Design Day

During the Design Day of the undergraduate Maritime Engineering program, all first-year students tested their self-designed ship model. The students were instructed to make the sailing condition and heavy load condition as optimal as possible.

20 June 2023

Dean Henri Werij is one of five winners of the Clean Aviation High Five Awards

Dean Henri Werij is one of five winners of the Clean Aviation High Five Awards

Henri Werij, Dean of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering, is one of the five winners of the Clean Aviation High Five Awards. This was announced by the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking research and innovation programme at a ceremony during the Paris Air Show on 20 June 2023.

20 June 2023

Mechanical engineering students display their Precision Disc Thrower

Mechanical engineering students display their Precision Disc Thrower

Designing a precision disc thrower is an ambitious challenge. ‘A lot goes into this kind of mechanical design. It has to have sufficient power, speed and precision. The rotation of the disc around its own axis – known as the gyroscopic effect – is also important,’ says Regine Vroom, coordinator of the design project.

19 June 2023

Municipality of Amsterdam, Wageningen University and TU Delft continue collaboration with AMS Institute

Municipality of Amsterdam, Wageningen University and TU Delft continue collaboration with AMS Institute

On Thursday 15 June, the mayor of Amsterdam (Femke Halsema) and the chief executive officers of Wageningen University & Research (Sjoukje Heimovaara) and TU Delft (Tim van der Hagen) signed a declaration of intent on behalf of the three parties for the next phase of AMS Institute.

19 June 2023

Damping waves with 50,000 rubber grass blades

Damping waves with 50,000 rubber grass blades

Dimitris Dermentzoglou, PhD student in Coastal Engineering, investigates whether salt marshes can serve as a natural solution for coastal protection. It is why he mimics salt marsh vegetation at the TU Delft Waterlab. He hopes his research will yield a more sustainable alternative to the repeated raising of dikes.

14 June 2023

TU Delft Open Publishing has partnered with IOS Press

TU Delft Open Publishing has partnered with IOS Press

As of 1 June 2023, IOS Press and TU Delft OPEN Publishing have committed to a partnership to co-publish books and make these available with Open Access.

13 June 2023

New living lab Biobased Boulevard to encourage use of natural building materials

New living lab Biobased Boulevard to encourage use of natural building materials

To accelerate the use of natural materials in construction, today The Green Village, iCircl and the Province of South Holland opened the new living lab Biobased Boulevard. This living lab, part of fieldlab The Green Village on TU Delft Campus, will help to use biobased building materials in construction and renovation on a large scale.

08 June 2023

NWO grant for a cost-effective power-generating solar window

NWO grant for a cost-effective power-generating solar window

In dit project zullen TU Delft, Physee en NSG-Pilkington een kosteneffectief energieopwekkend luminescerende coating voor ramen ontwikkelen op basis van het principe van een luminescente zonneconcentrator. Dit zal worden bereikt met nieuwe luminescerende materialen die uniform over het gehele zichtbare zonnespectrum kunnen absorberen, de geabsorbeerde energie opnieuw kunnen emitteren en transporteren naar zonnecellen.

08 June 2023

Pupils from VMBO 1 are introduced to professions at faculty 3mE

Pupils from VMBO 1 are introduced to professions at faculty 3mE

The 3mE faculty provided a short internship for pupils from the first class of VMBO (pre-vocational secondary education) SC Delfland from Delft. The introduction on what a university is and the importance of technology and education & research for Delft and society was followed by four introductions to professions at 3mE.

07 June 2023

ChatGPT designs its first robot with TU Delft researchers

ChatGPT designs its first robot with TU Delft researchers

Can ChatGPT also design a robot? And is this a good thing for the design process, or are there risks? TU Delft researchers published their findings in Nature Machine Intelligence.

02 June 2023

TU Delft draws attention to their wide range of Lifelong Learning options

TU Delft draws attention to their wide range of Lifelong Learning options

Building a better society is the mission of the university in the context of Science, Engineering and Design. That’s what TU Delft stands for. More attention to Lifelong Learning (LLL) fits within this ambition and involves providing high-quality, accessible education to professionals.

25 May 2023

The 2023 Open Science MOOC is open for registration

The 2023 Open Science MOOC is open for registration

You can become a more visible, effective and impactful researcher by sharing your research data and publications openly.

17 May 2023

A new frontier for Agrivoltaics: the launch of the SYMBIOSYST project

A new frontier for Agrivoltaics: the launch of the SYMBIOSYST project

Building a world wherein solar energy and agriculture can have a mutually beneficial relationship