Delftsche Studenten Rugby-Club

The DSR-C was founded on  September 24, 1918, at the initiative of J.L. Schurink en J.F. Ebeling. The first trainings were provided by J.L. Schurink and H.L. Reitz. The official establishment of DSR-C as a rugby club followed on October 21, 1918, marking the birth of the oldest rugby club in the Netherlands. This immediately caught the attention of a large number of people: DSR-C had 130 members right away!

Two reasons are mentioned for the founding of DSR-C: The introduction of Rugby in the Netherlands by British prisoners of war during World War I. The presence of many South African students in Delft, who were already familiar with the game.

At this moment in times we have three teams of which two play competition. Our first team competes in the Future Klasse competition. This is the second highest club level in the Netherlands. A class that functions as a shadow class for the Ereklasse, aimed at providing young players with more experience and allowing them to play matches at a high level.

Our second team competes in the 4th division. Within the seconds the social aspect of matches plays a big role as well. Whereas the first team emphasises more on the performance aspect of the sport. We train on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. In addition to our weekly training sessions, we organize various social activities during the year

The DSR-C is a sub-association of the Delftsch Studenten Corps and is thus a closed association. An exception to this rule are rugby players who have a sufficient skill level to compete for a first team spot. Each year, this can be a group of about 5 rugby players. Admission is evaluated each year by our coaching staff.

If you want to learn more about DSR-C, feel free to check out our website or contact us!

Delftsche Studenten Rugby-Club


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