Mathijs van Geerenstein

"It's the projects that make the study programme so much fun"

When people first asked me whether I knew what I wanted to study, I hesitantly said: something technical. That hesitation was soon dispelled after attending an open day at TU Delft. Electrical Engineering quickly grabbed my attention because of subjects like energy supply and telecommunications. The fact that the programme can be applied in so many different specialisms really appealed to me.

During the first day of lectures, one lecturer joked that we should actually have started yesterday. After working through all the prescribed reading for secondary school physics in the first three weeks, I understood what he meant. But as long as you are working on something you find interesting and fun, it's not much of a problem to devote so much time to it. In the first six months, you immediately get to start on key modules of the study programme, such as Linear Algebra and Analysis and Linear Circuits. In addition to these theory modules, you also have laboratory courses every week. This link between theory and practice has really helped me to understand the modules.

It's the projects that make the study programme so much fun. In the first year, you build an audio amplifier and a self-driving robot. During the projects, you also have the opportunity to divert from the set programme and put your own ideas into practice. I don't know what I want to do after this, but in this field that's fortunately not something that you need to worry about!