Admission requirements
The entry requirements for the programmes depend on the previous education you have done and the bachelor's programme you want to do. The admission requirements are explained below, and you will find more information about the application procedure.
Admission requirements with a VWO diploma
Do you have a Dutch VWO diploma? Then you may apply for the Computer Science & Engineering programme if you have Maths B in your curriculum. For an overview on which studies you can do with your VWO profile. Please check the table under the heading 'Admission requirements per VWO profile' below.
Do you have a different diploma?
Are you enrolling from a higher vocational education (hbo) or university (wo) from abroad, or do you have no diploma at all? Please find all of the admission requirements below.
You may miss certain subjects or knowledge. There are several institutions that provide courses, as a means to eliminate these deficiencies. More information regarding the deficiencies can be found in the admission requirements (applicable to you), in the summary below:
If you have obtained a propaedeutic diploma from an hbo or other university programme, you can, under certain conditions, start with the first year of a TU Delft bachelor's degree. Before you can be enrolled, you must ensure that your mathematics and possibly also physics, biology and chemistry are at the required pre-university education level.
An international diploma gives access to TU Delft if it is equivalent to the vwo diploma and profile. TU Delft will determine this after registration. With an international diploma, you have to register for a numerus clausus programme before15 January. The deadline for a programme without numerus clausus is 1 April. The Contact Center ESA of TU Delft can give you more information about this.
More information about admission requirements for students from abroad.
The colloquium doctum is a special and strict admission procedure for prospective students who:
- Are not directly admissible to the university on the basis of their diploma.
- Are 21 years or older on the day the training starts.
If you have specific questions about the admission requirements, please contact the Contact Centre.