
489 results

13 July 2020

Jan-Henk Welink in Trouw

The global mountain of electronic waste is growing alarmingly fast.

13 July 2020

Open Science Awards for Joost de Winter and Pavlo Bazilinskyy

The Open Science Awards recognize researchers or research students who have used Open Science to make their research more accessible, transparent or reproducible.

08 July 2020

Year of the Lecturer 2020: A unique way of saying 'Thank you!'

Year of the Lecturer 2020: A unique way of saying 'Thank you!'

Changing 'the Lecturer of the Year elections' to 'The year of the Lecturer' and sending a nice thank you gift. What could it be?

06 July 2020

Arend Schwab in BNR

02 July 2020

Mechanical engineering students design inventive pack dog

Mechanical engineering students design inventive pack dog

Parcel deliverers are faced with a challenge - partly due to the corona crisis - to deliver more and heavier parcels to people's homes. Our first-year students have a solution for this.

01 July 2020

Delft Technology Fellowship for Eline van der Kruk and Sabina Caneva

Delft Technology Fellowship for Eline van der Kruk and Sabina Caneva

More outstanding female academics with a tenure track position – that is one of TU Delft’s most important pillars. The Delft Technology Fellowship (DTF) was introduced to help achieve this aim. Eline van der Kruk and Sabina Caneva are two top-level scientists who have been given positions at the 3mE faculty. This year, eleven fellowships were granted.

01 July 2020

Gerwin Smit in various media

A team of researchers and students is launching a new type of ventilator that is purely mechanical and that you could easily build and repair yourself.

29 June 2020

Gerjo van Osch in various media

28 June 2020

Jaap Harlaar in various media

TU Delft Master's students of Technical Medicine, under the supervision of Prof. Jaap Harlaar, want to develop a simple and relatively inexpensive ventilator as soon as possible.

25 June 2020

Clinical technologists officially registered healthcare professionals

Clinical technologists officially registered healthcare professionals

Good news for the technical physicians who will be first to graduate from the joint programme at TU Delft, Erasmus MC and LUMC. They can use the legally protected title of clinical technologist and register in the BIG register. This makes them officially registered healthcare professionals allowed to carry out reserved procedures independently. Clinical technologists will be given first-line status and therefore have the authorisation to register and declare healthcare activities. This is a milestone in the positioning of this still recent professional field, according to programme directors Jaap Harlaar and Pleun Hermsen.

18 June 2020

e-Refinery in Delftse Post

Plants and trees are formed from CO2, sunlight and water. They created petroleum in the sea millions of years ago. When the products that we make from petroleum are burned, the CO2 in the air that took millions of years to form petroleum is released in a very short time. This CO2 contributes to the greenhouse effect and thus to global warming.

18 June 2020

Tamás Keviczky in various media

18 June 2020

Jaap Harlaar and Gerjo van Osch appointed Medical Delta professors

Jaap Harlaar and Gerjo van Osch appointed Medical Delta professors

Today, Medical Delta, the interdisciplinary consortium for technological solutions in healthcare, is announcing nine new Medical Delta professors. Two members of the 3mE faculty have been appointed, namely Jaap Harlaar, professor of biomechatronics & Human Machine Control, and Professor Gerjo van Osch, parttime professor Integrative Cartilage Regeneration at the department of BioMechanical Engineering and Principal Investigator Orthopaedics & Otorhinolaryngology at Erasmus MC.

18 June 2020

Impulse health & technology research with nine new Medical Delta professors

Nine professors are now allowed to call themselves ‘Medical Delta professors’. They received a dual appointment at two or more academic institutions (LUMC, Leiden University, TU Delft, Erasmus MC, Erasmus University) that are affiliated with Medical Delta. This will boost health & technology research once again.

18 June 2020

Klaas Visser in De Ingenieur

More and more ships are being built with electric motors on board. "Society is increasingly demanding emissions-free sailing. As a result, more and more shipbuilders are starting to focus on emission-free propulsion of ships, "says Klaas Visser.

17 June 2020

Tamas Keviczky and team win the International Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge

Tamas Keviczky and team win the International Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge

Tamas Keviczky, hoogleraar Networked Cyber-Physical Systems and a team of researchers and students from TU Delft in cooperation with the companies Van der Hoeven Horticultural Projects, Keygene and Hoogendoorn Growth Management has won the 2nd International Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge. Five teams participated, the Automatoes team, with the help of advanced data-driven control algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI), not only achieved the best tomato harvest after six months, but also scored best on sustainability in a fully automated greenhouse.

16 June 2020

Researchers create a new class of rate-sensitive mechanical metamaterials

Researchers create a new class of rate-sensitive mechanical metamaterials

Researchers at the Department of Biomechanical Engineering of Delft University of Technology have created a new class of metamaterials that can dynamically switch their mechanical behaviour. It may form the basis for practical applications such as fall-protective clothing for the elderly. The results are to appear in the journal Science Advances on 17 June.

04 June 2020

Micro-pipette probe for tuning the volume and particle concentration of liquids

Micro-pipette probe for tuning the volume and particle concentration of liquids

At the PME department, a micro-sized pipette probe has been developed for handling multiple liquids. It is the first time that such a small probe can dose fluid volume, and simultaneously control the concentration of particles inside the fluid.

02 June 2020

Mexico receives prototype of mechanical ventilator developed by TU Delft

Mexico receives prototype of mechanical ventilator developed by TU Delft

The Embassy of Mexico in the Netherlands received the prototype of a mechanical ventilator developed by Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) within the framework of its Project Inspiration. The prototype will be lent to the government of Mexico to support its efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

02 June 2020

3mE well represented in TU Delft AI labs

3mE well represented in TU Delft AI labs

Today TU Delft launched eight new 'TU Delft AI Labs'. The goal is to use artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate scientific progress. The labs bring together scientists doing research in AI and with AI.

02 June 2020

Tamás Keviczky appointed full professor Networked Cyber-Physical Systems

Tamás Keviczky appointed full professor Networked Cyber-Physical Systems

Tamás Keviczky appointed full professor Networked Cyber-Physical Systems. Tamás Keviczky joined the Delft Center for Systems and Control in 2007 and has worked there as an associate professor since 2015.

01 June 2020

Amir Zadpoor in various media

A project team of scientists active in the Medical Delta region is testing the first prototypes of a ventilator consisting entirely of standard parts. These parts are locally stocked almost everywhere in the world and can be made by hundreds of manufacturers. As a result, the ventilator can in many cases be assembled locally. The design hopes to respond to the demand for respiratory equipment and the logistical problems that exist due to a shortage of specific parts.

28 May 2020

Jan Klein in various media

According to professor Jan Klein, authority in the field of patient safety, the number of calamities hardly decreases.

25 May 2020

Jinne Geelen in various media

For people who are paralyzed and unable to move, communication is difficult. Or can you also control a computer with your thoughts?

19 May 2020

How to convert the mechanical engineering competition into an online event

How to convert the mechanical engineering competition into an online event

Due to the restrictive corona measures, the design project of the first-year Mechanical Engineering looks very different this year. What if you are no longer allowed to get together and work, and if you can’t build and test a design in the workshop?

15 May 2020

Bart van Trigt in various media

Bart van Trigt is researching how to reduce injuries among athletes, especially baseball and tennis players.

13 May 2020

Two mechanical engineering students victim of Scheveningen surfing accident

Two mechanical engineering students victim of Scheveningen surfing accident

We deeply regret to inform you that two students from our faculty were involved in the tragic surfing accident on Monday 11 May in Scheveningen.

07 May 2020

Frans van der Helm in Algemeen Dagblad

07 May 2020

Smart optics against smart parasites

Smart optics against smart parasites

This Wednesday May 6th, Tepitome ‘Tope’ Agbana successfully defended his PhD on ‘Smart Optics Against Smart Parasites’, at Delft University of Technology (3ME faculty). The defence took place at the Senate room of the Aula while four other committee members joined via Skype . Agbana’s research concerns the early detection of malaria, which is the leading cause of death among pregnant women and young children: 11% of maternal and 20% of under–five deaths are attributed to malaria every year.

06 May 2020

TU Delft students share ventilator design for international use

TU Delft students share ventilator design for international use

In a very short period of time, students involved in OperationAIR have successfully developed an emergency ventilator for coronavirus patients. Following the necessary test procedures, the design of the AIRone – including all related documentation – has now been released online so that other countries and initiatives can also benefit from it.

04 May 2020

Frans van der Helm appointed as KNAW member

Frans van der Helm appointed as KNAW member

28 April 2020

Smart shielding wall for care providers

Smart shielding wall for care providers

The shortages of personal protective equipment are increasing the pressure on the healthcare system in the fight against COVID-19. In collaboration with Pieter van der Staay, FLEX/design, Delmic, Star-shl diagnostic centres and Scala Scientific, a team of TU Delft students have developed a smart shielding wall that relieves care providers of time-consuming and complicated cleaning protocols.

28 April 2020

Mechanical ventilator to Guatemala

Mechanical ventilator to Guatemala

The researchers of Project Inspiration have made all of the designs for their mechanical ventilator available worldwide. In this way, the team hope to reduce the shortage of ventilators in the Netherlands and abroad. In addition, a test model has been prepared, and it will soon be sent to Guatemala.

27 April 2020

TU Delft researchers gain new insights into Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

TU Delft researchers gain new insights into Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

Scientific research into the world-famous painting by Johannes Vermeer, known as the 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', has yielded new insights. TU Delft researchers played an important role in making discoveries about the brushwork, the use of pigments and how Vermeer built up his painting with various layers of paint.

23 April 2020

In Memoriam Barend Thijsse (1950-2020)

In Memoriam Barend Thijsse (1950-2020)

In the early morning of 22 April 2020, our dear former colleague professor Barend Thijsse passed away after a short illness as a result of lung cancer. Barend was 69 years old.

16 April 2020

Stefan Lampaert in Delta

The corona pandemic has caused a shortage of protection equipment, especially face masks. TU Delft researchers and students are ramping up testing facilities in ProjectMask.

14 April 2020

Mechanical ventilator from the 1960s inspires Delft engineers

Mechanical ventilator from the 1960s inspires Delft engineers

Today, a team of Delft researchers and students from the BioMechanical Engineering department is launching a new type of ventilator that is purely mechanical and which you could easily construct and repair yourself. The team borrowed a 1960s ventilator from Rijksmuseum Boerhaave and used it as inspiration. As it works mechanically, no electronics are required. This is particularly advantageous since its production is not dependent on the – now uncertain – supply of parts from China.

14 April 2020

Scientists design ventilator made of standard parts

Scientists design ventilator made of standard parts

Amir Zadpoor and a team of scientists from the BioMechanical Engineering department are testing the first prototypes of a ventilator that consists entirely of standard parts. These parts are available locally almost all over the world and can be produced by hundreds of manufacturers. This means that, in many cases, the ventilator can be assembled locally. It is hoped that the design will be able to respond to the demand for ventilators and offer a solution to the logistical problems resulting from a shortage of specific components.

14 April 2020

TU Delft is working on a simple tool to measure oxygen saturation in COVID patients

TU Delft is working on a simple tool to measure oxygen saturation in COVID patients

Arjo Loeve and his research colleagues at TU Delft’s Department of BioMechanical Engineering are working with the Jeroen Bosch Hospital and the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences on a new pulse oximeter that is easy and inexpensive to produce. The pulse oximeter is a crucial measurement tool that monitors the heartbeat and amount of oxygen in the blood while COVID-19 patients are being treated. The aim of the research is to counteract the impending shortage of this tool.

07 April 2020

NWO LIFT grant for Remco Hartkamp and Burak Eral

NWO LIFT grant for Remco Hartkamp and Burak Eral

NWO has awarded researchers Remco Hartkamp and Burak Eral from the Department of Process & Energy a LIFT (Launchpad for Innovative Technology) grant for their research on selectively extracting ionic contaminants from water with the aid of porous electrodes via a process called capacitive deionization. The aim of the research is to develop a solution for selectively removing ionic contaminants in water.