Borrowing from other libraries

Please note: This service is only available to TU Delft students and employees. 

Are you looking for book that’s not available in the TU Delft Library collection? In some cases we can arrange for it to be sent from another library. We refer to this as the Interlibrary Loan (ILL). 

How it works

  • Go to the TU Delft catalog and sign in.  If the book is not available in the TU Delft Library collection, you can request it directly via the "Request item" button. All data will then be filled in automatically.
  • You can also fill in this online application form. Enter as many important data as possible, such as title, author, year of publication and ISBN.

You will receive an email once the book has arrived and you can collect it at the Library.


This service is free for TU Delft students and employees. 

Response time

Some libraries can respond quicker to a request than others. We usually receive requested books within two to seven working days. 

Returning books and extending loan periods

Books that you borrow from another library through TU Delft Library can simply be returned to us. The book contains a lending slip with the date by which the book must be returned and information on how to extend the loan period.