Autonomous Control

Autonomous Control focuses on robot control methods that range from high-level cognitive approaches, such as environment recognition and finding optimal routes, to low-level motion control.

At Delft University of Technology, new algorithms, methods and solutions for robotics are being developed. These new methods are applied in various fields, including industrial robotics, (mobile) manipulation, coordination between multiple robots, robotics in healthcare and autonomous driving.

How do we work together?

Together with various parts of Delft University of Technology and partners, we are working on groundbreaking projects.

Fieldlabs & Innovation Clusters

SAM XL (Smart Advanced Manufacturing XL)

Team Autonomous Control

We are always open to introductions and new partnerships that drive innovation and progress.

Bas Vennemann

Business Development Manager Robotics

Ties van Bruinessen


Managing Director RoboHouse

Martijn Wisse

Professor Biorobotics

More information